CUS40309 Certificate IV in Music Business
Nationally Accredited Units of Competency and Nominal Hours
BSBSMB405A Monitor and manage small business operations (45)
CUFCMP301A Implement Copyright Arrangements (20)
CUSIND301B Work Effectively In The Music Industry (35)
CUSUHS301A Follow Occupational Health & Safety Procedures (10)
CUSEVT301A Book Performance Venues (35)
BSBCRT402A Collaborate in a creative process (40)
CUSIND401A Develop specialist expertise in the music industry (40)
CUSMGT403A Manage Licensing of Music (35)
CUSMKG301A Assist with the promotion of creative acts (35)
BSBEBU401A Review and maintain a website (50)
SITXMPR001 Coordinator the production of brochures and marketing materials (60)
BSBMKG413A Promote Products and Services (40)
BSBMKG414A Undertake Marketing Activities (50)
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