Your Music Career Starts Here

What a Year!

What a Year!

  • Posted by simon-perrin
  • On October 1, 2020
  • 90s pop rock, Alice Kneebone, BIGSOUND, Brian's Marquette Band, Broken Trampoline, Cahli Blakers, Certificate III in Music Industry, Covid-19, Dan Steinert, Day of Clarity, Dead Before Recess, End of year showcase, Event Coordination, Girls Rock! Adelaide, GT Arizona, guest speaker, Hotel Mozambique, Indie pop-punk, Jungle Jams, Laneway Festival, Music Industry, Music SA, National Live Music Awards, Paradigm, Performance, Registrations, SA's Best Live Act, Songwriting, Spin Off, St Paul's Creative Centre, Stage craft, Teenage Joans, The Jade, Third Charm, TOWNS, Training, Triple J Unearthed, Unearthed High
Another term is done and dusted – and the students should be so proud of what they’ve achieved. So many new songs have now been written, recorded and uploaded to Triple J Unearthed! Have a listen by clicking the following links:   Drift by Dead Before Recess –    Human by Paradigm –    Make You Proud by Third Charm –   Hey, You! by Brian’s Marquette Band –    Medicate by Broken Trampoline –    As well as this, […]
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  • Posted by simon-perrin
  • On July 13, 2020
  • 2020, Angus Brill Reed, Certificate III in Music Industry, Copyright, Covid-19, CUA30915, Develop Industry Knowledge, engineer, Horror My Friend, Mario Spate, Music Industry, Music SA, musical compositions, original works, Performance, producer, recording, Songwriting, sound designer, Tom Gordon, Triple J Unearthed, Welcome back, West Thebarton, WHS, Yours and Owls
What a year it’s been so far, for everyone in Australia and all over the world! Despite the challenges and hurdles of COVID-19 we’re so happy to report that our CUA30915 Certificate III in Music Industry (Performance)* students have been welcomed back into the classroom and are collaborating on songwriting and musical compositions – getting ready to record their original works in the next few weeks (while maintaining physical distancing of course!). Once the songs […]
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Kynan Mallia

Kynan Mallia

  • Posted by simon-perrin
  • On July 13, 2020
  • Arkaba Hotel, Certificate III, Covid-19, CS Fest, CUA30915, emerging artist, Future finalists, Generations in Jazz, HQ, HQ Complex, indie rock, Jada Leane, Jazz tour, Kynan Mallia, Lemon Road, Live Music, live stream, Marion Cultural Centre, Maryatville High School, Metal, Murray Bridge Battle of the bands, Music, Music Industry, Music SA, Northern Sound System, NSS, Pat Di Palo, Performance, Performing, Sasha the Band, Signals, Space Jams Festival, The Brickroom, Training
Kynan Mallia is currently undertaking the CUA30915 Certificate III in Music Industry (Performance)* while studying Year 12 at Marryatville High School, as well as performing with friends in Sasha The Band. It’s been a tough year for the live performance industry and this can be disheartening for young, emerging artists. However, Kynan has been quick […]
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